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Weight loss doesn’t have to be a slow process that takes months on end of bland foods and long, boring workouts. You can safely lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks if you use the following tips as a base to get you started.
I’m not going to recommend a “miracle” nutritional supplement, expensive workout equipment, or hokey gimmick. Just 3 things that work, quickly.
The weight loss tips in this article are supported by scientific research and don’t require you to buy anything, starve yourself, or do anything that’s dangerous or downright silly. All you have to do is make a few changes to the way you exercise and eat.
1. Stop Doing Hours of Slow, Boring Cardio
Forget about spending hours every day on the treadmill to burn calories. Doing this doesn’t work. Walking at a moderate (brisk) pace will only burn about 295 calories an hour. Do this every day for a week and you won’t lose a pound.
The better way to exercise for weight and fat loss is to do interval style resistance training workouts. This will also help boost your metabolism!
Also referred to as circuit training, this style of workout burns twice as many calories per day. Studies also show that doing some type of resistance training (calisthenics, kettlebells, weights, etc.) is also superior to cardio for burning off fat, especially abdominal fat, which hurts your health and hides your 6 pack.
When you workout this way, your body will continue to burn calories from your stored body fat for up to 36 hours post-workout. This means you’ll continue to lose weight after your workout is done. These workouts will help you build muscle, too, which will have you looking better when the weight you want to lose is off.
Circuit style workouts are easy to perform and are great if you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. You can do them with barbells, dumbbells, and machines at your gym. One of the best ways is bodyweight workouts. This is because they can be done anywhere, are really effective, and don’t require any equipment.
You can see an example of a circuit training workout here:

When you train this way, the key is to choose exercises that train several muscle groups (squats, push ups, pull ups, shoulder presses, etc.). This will make the workout more challenging and burn more calories. Select 4-5 exercises so ensure all of your major muscle groups are being trained.
You’ll perform each exercise, one after the other, with no rest between sets. Only rest after you’ve performed the last exercise of the circuit. Rest as little as possible between circuits. Do 8-10 reps per set and repeat 3-5 times every workout.
Below is a sample bodyweight exercise circuit training workout for fat loss:
- Squats
- Push Ups
- Burpees
- Pull Ups
Here’s a circuit workout that can be done with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
- Two Handed Swings
- Standing Shoulder Press
- Squats
- 1 Arm Rows
If you are just getting started and want to lose weight fast, give yourself a chance to get used to the intensity of these workouts. Rest as long as you have to between circuits, and do as many reps as you can with 10 per exercise being your goal. Stick to it, and you’ll be doing these workouts like a pro.
2. Cut the Carbs
This is probably the most important tip to follow. It alone can help you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks.
Eating a low carbohydrate diet turns on the fat loss switch in your body and by getting it to use your stored body fat as energy. You’ll also lose excess water weight, too. Best of all, you don’t have to obsess over calorie intake or reading labels.
Now, you don’t have to avoid them entirely. You simply need to limit certain types, like junk foods. Once you lose the weight, you can even eat them, albeit in limited quantities.
The foods you need to really limit for the next 2 weeks include processed carbohydrates (bread, cookies, pasta, rice) and simple sugars (candy, fruit juice, and soda). You can pretty much each all of the vegetables you like. Fruits in small amounts are okay, too.
You can look at the image below to get an idea of which carbohydrates you should aim to eat:

All in all, your daily carbohydrate quota should not exceed 75 grams. Don’t worry about counting carbohydrates excessively or reading the label for every food you eat. Instead follow this simple tip, if it’s white or comes in a bag or box, don’t eat it and you’re most likely eating the right amount.
If you do want to count carbohydrates, use one of the many websites or apps that does the counting for you. I recommend reading this article for more great tips to eliminate grains from your diet.
In addition to limiting certain types of carbohydrates, if you want to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks, the next thing you need to make sure of is that you eat plenty of protein and healthy fats. High protein foods you should eat at every meal include eggs, fatty fish, chicken, and red meat.
You don’t have to count grams of protein. Just make sure the protein you eat is about the size of the palm of your hand at every meal, and you’ll be on track to get enough every day.
Last but not least, eat plenty of fat at every meal. You’ll stay full longer between meals. Fat also makes your food taste better, too.
Limit corn and other vegetable oils, and instead make sure you get your fat from avocados, coconut, and olive oil. Almonds and macadamia nuts are also good sources of healthy fats.
Basically, the rule is to eat healthy, eat fewer calories, and create a meal plan that includes proteins, fats, and good carbs.
3. Ditch Diet Soda and Drink Lemon Water Instead
I know, diet sodas don’t have calories and taste good. The way their bubbles make your mouth tingle feels great, too. Unfortunately, they can kill your weight loss progress.
Studies show that drinking diet soda can actually make you eat more and gain weight
Scientists believe this is because the artificial sweeteners in these drinks send signals to your brain that make you want to eat, even if you’re not hungry.
Instead of drinking diet soda, drink cold lemon water. Doing so has many benefits. You’ll feel full longer between meals, and because of the lemon juice in the water, your body will digest food slower and can even help keep your energy levels stable.
One study showed that drinking cold water can help you burn more calories, too.
Drinking your water before you eat may also help you eat less at every meal.
Make these 3 tips part of your life in order to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks. More importantly, these steps will become habits that you follow for the days, weeks, and months to follow. Then, you’ll really reap their benefits that go beyond weight loss to healthier, stronger, more energetic you!
More Tips on Losing Weight
Featured photo credit: Bruce Mars via unsplash.com